Tuesday, 19 June 2007

a quick update

we are still packing to leave.
I have counted....3 kids, 5 big cases, 4 small cases, 2 laptops, 1 pram, 1 satellite dish stand, and 2 files with all our documents....all sitting in my dining room at 10pm at night... contemplating how to fit it all in the car...:)

somehow it will work.

maybe we should leave the kids?


Reverend said...


By now you should be on the road to Jo'burg, or at least seriously thinking about it. Remember the Lord makes our paths straight. God Bless.


Bev said...

If all else fails,you can always take up writing for a living.I laughed so much I nearly fell off the chair. I know God heard all your prayers for the wife, the drivers of other cars, airport personel etc. miss you already.All lost luggage has now been found - so there is hope after all.
God bless