Monday, 20 August 2007
Aaaaah A nice hot shower.
Welcome back loyal blog readers:) THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS. Sorry if we dont email anyone back individually, but between managing the workings of the van, maps, gps, business, fun, kids etc, we are really bushed at the end of each day, and even writing a single mail to a single friend becomes a difficult thing. Living in a camper is a bit of an experience. Each day you have to balance the input (tyre air, oil,diesel,water,gas) of the van, the output(old shower and washing water, toilet stuff) as well as the input (food,dry clothes) and outputs (toilet times, showers, eating, clothes washing) all around the same 5x3metre area, inhabited by 5 bodies. On top of this, roles change, and furniture arrangements change depending on time of day, and our location in the world is adjusted day by day. It all makes for a VERY interesting existance, VERY different to the normal life in a house back home. After spending about 60days travelling , we have done well adjusting to this mobile existance, but can be honest and say it takes a very special mentality to cope:) Luckily as you all know, Marielle and I have probably spent the past few years working together within the same office space, even at home, so we have learned to live together without killing each other. I wouldnt suggest anyone try this without first locking themselves into a room with their spouse for an entire weekend, and see-ing how it goes...and I dont mean any hanky panky.....get your minds out the gutters!
We spent the morning walking up a beautiful forest pathway leading to an old stone tower, overlooking Perth. The kids had a great time riding on their bikes, but on the way down decided not to heed our cautions, and Tanner ended up sliding into a patch of stinging nettles, which grow wild here. Fun fun fun.
ok, I have to go shower. Here is M to take over the blog for today :)
Hi everyone! Talking about showering, I have just had a really nice hot shower for a whole 5 minutes. It cost me 20p (R3.50) but was worth every cent. Showering AND dressing in a space that's just over a metre squared each night is NOT my idea of fun. This is how it goes each night: Spray with the shower hose (that is dribbling most of the time), switch hose off, lather, rinse, dry. By now that's not that easy cause the floor is wet!When it comes time to brushing teeth: it's rinse brush, switch tap off, put toothpaste on brush, brush teeth, put tap back on, rinse mouth out, switch tap off. Of course this is all done hoping that the water tank doesn't run out of water mid-way. Fun Fun Fun!
Dean mentioned that we walked in a forest area today. It was absolutely stunning so you can imagine how disappointed I was when my camera battery went flat. I managed to get one or two photos of us walking up but couldn't take anything when we reached the tower. Of course I wouldn't have had much time because between trying to feed the boys (yup, we carted the rolls, ham etc... up with us) and stopping Jetan from running along the clifftop, taking photographs wouldn't have been top priority anyway.
We are at CL in a place called Upper Largo (East coast of Scotland), the view is beautiful however we are parked rather close to the main house which is a bed and breakfast - we kinda like the places where we've stayed and we've been in a farmer's field. Dean STILL hasn't bought levelers for the van, so we are currently on a slight slope which is not fun at all. Supper was Roast chicken and pasta for the boys and some healthy cous cous for us grownups. I really need to start laying off the junk we are eating. Junk food i.e. biscuits are WAY to affordable here... AND everything is like 3 for a pound etc... I decided to buy some water to drink today which I have been seriously neglecting to drink but our 3 year old!!!!!!! yup he turned 3 a few days ago, decided the grass needed watering. So down went 3 bottles of the water.
At this moment I am not sure of our plans for tomorrow. Oh yes, Dean is just reminding me, we've run out of gas so Kircaldy is the one place we can get a new bottle (according to the internet). So that is where we are heading. We drove over an hour to get here today and haven't actually seen anything in this little town so I think that we may explore tomorrow otherwise it's been a waste to come here. I am just feeling so exhausted though and I must be honest and say I LONG for my king size bed back home and my Friday night TV. Sob!
Well on that note. It's time to go to sleep. Boys are still awake but not for long. I am hoping that we can watch the dvd "The Queen"now.
We'd love to hear from you all. Till Next Time then.....
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1 comment:
'ello, nice to hear from you again. You have no room and dream about some space; amd me, I have no wife, and tons of space. Bev will be back in Durban next Monday which I am looking forward to and then my life can return back to normal. On Saturday the boks play aginst Scotland - will you be going to the game? hahaha. Bev was down at Weymouth (by the sea) on Sunday and Tristan met his new cousin for the first time. Bev said that Tristan just loved his cousin and was kissing him and loving him all the time.
I can't believe that your baby is three - happy birthday Jetan!
Jesse and Tanner, I am really missing you guys - I hope you aren't spending all your time playing playstation! I am really missing you guys - so when you get back, I hope you will come and spend a night or two with Bev and I - playstation time - Yeah!! Since you guys have been away, I have no challengers anymore.
PS. Please send some pictures.
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