Sunday, 19 August 2007

From a wet Scotland patch of grass

Well ello everyone. We've pulled in for the night at a CL site in Perth, Scotland with no real plans for the next few days, but to restore some energy, and then attack Glasgow with recharged batteries. Of course the kids dont suffer from this affliction, and right now find our need to settle in one place for longer than 3 hours, a bit of a bore. Luckily they can play Playstation in the campervan, since we are hooked up on 220V for the night. (something that has obviously become more important to them since we borrowed the tv from our friends in England). Yes, we know we might be bad parents allowing them to play tv games while sitting under a lovely Scottish rock cliff with a castle perched on the brim, BUT, YOU try spending 24x7 with our 3 lovely lads, and believe you me, you would have considered buying them each PSPs by now...a temptation we have successfully far....ha ha ha ...aarrghhh.

ok, some info on the past 2 days? We visited the Loch Lomond area, Stirling, Stirling castle, the old jail, Crieff, and walked behind a mass piper band as it moved down the high street of the town, police cars leading with flashing lights. Tanner looked like a camoflaged Smurf, since it was pouring with rain and we were all decked out in our plastic ponchos. (spot the tourists!) Of course we were the only ones who walked to the top of the street and proceded to join the back of the band. This was purely to extract every ounce of entertainment from the rain-sodden day, no worries that we had to walk a hell of a long way up the hill to start with...just to come back down again....:)

The old jail in Stirling was cool, ....they had a live jailer/actor who popped out unexpectedly and we almost peed ourselves :) ( did you read our last blog about the pee-ing misunderstanding?)

Which brings me to the next subject. Pee-ing. Our camper van toilet is almost over-flowing. CLs, dont have toilet discharge points, so it is getting a little cramped. Tanner keeps needing to peee. We keep telling him, he cant! Next minute, kid number 2, needs a number 2. We tell them, you cant!

They are looking kind of bloated this evening :) We hope to deliver our natural products back to nature in the near future, but we can guarantee, we have only digested chocolate biscuits, bran cereals, and a few chemically enhanced foodstuffs.

Marielle has told me to move off this crappy subject, so without getting myself deeper into it, we shall trudge on.

We are still in Scotland. We are not leaving Scotland, ever.....until Marielle has had her fill of Pipe bands and short kilts. We estimate that we'll be leaving this beautiful part of the world, in about a week, after seeing 200 pipe bands in Kelso, do their thing :)

We peeked into a caravan today. It had a full size bathroom with a glass shower door. That might not sound special to you lot, but after making do in a cramped shower/toilet/dressing room, the caravan looked VERY enticing. Yes, there were lots of reasons to go for a motorhome in the first place, but having travelled from SA, the exchange rate meant we had to lose some of the luxuries. (Please send donations, so we can buy a bigger van :))

We are all doing fine. Kids are in good health. I have the sniffles and a bit of a cold, but M is well. Tomorrow we head for the Fife area just to do some sightsee-ing. (east coast of Scotland).

missing friends and family, but having a grooovy time :)
bye for now.

ps...pleaseeeee mail us.


Reverend said...

eeeerrrrr 'ello thees eeez a male! Why yoo want one????

Reverend said...

Howzit, nice to hear from you all again. I told everyone at church that you were needing some mails, so hopefully they will listen?? I of course (silly me) forgot to take my laptop to church so that the folk could send messages. I did however take my toiletries and spare underwear ..... wrong bag (aaagh). Anyhow, I shall endeavor to leave my toiletries and underwear at home on Tuesday and Thursday and by so doing I hope to take my laptop (and 3G card) so that folk can send messages. promises, promises. Church today was a challenge because the reverend (who has been suffering with bronchiolitis@#$%stuff??) has no voice. Not even a convincing croak ..... so with Grace and Philipa accompanied by guitar ...... worship was held, and rather successfully I might add. Danny preached (for the first time) and did a marvellous job ..... see what happens when you buzz off for an extended period. Leonard has even taken over the role of impromptu squawker during the sermons providing all the question marks and exlcamation marks at just the right moments, (sorry Jetan). Since you have been gone, we have noticed a significant increase in the amount of cakes and sandwiches after the service, hold on - sorry let me rephraze that .... I am really enjoying your share of the spoils after church. Marielle, it was nice chatting on skype, I shall try and do this again soon. Well, have a super soggy time and keep up the bloggs. And remember .... as Henry's poppie always says, she loves it, "when you talk forrin"! Bye

Marina said...

Did you see the Lochness monster yet???

Marina said...

Did you see the Lochness monster yet???