Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Marielle 14Aug Blog :)

Hi All. My turn to blog. It's 11:45 our time now and Dean has passed out. Yup, can you believe he is sleeping before I am.
Before I move on to what we did today I have a little story to tell which Dean didn't mention in his last blog.
The morning after we had stayed on the Rugby Field in Alnwick, Dean had gone for a walk out the van leaving me tucked up in the upper bed cab with the 3 kids squabbling over something or another. He had been gone a few minutes when there was a knock at the camper door. I asked Jesse to open the window to see who it was. The man on the other side of the window promptly looked up at Jesse and said "have you pee'd yet?" - Jesse dropped the curtain and gave me this really blank confused look. So I told him to ask the man what he said, so the man said "have you pee'd yet?", now at this moment (while I'm laying up in the bed), I think, gosh this man is either being just rude or is joking with the kids. So I stick my head down through the window and say "No I have not" - still wondering what on earth is he going on about (of course you now know what I am thinking). He then says "well I think it's about time you do"- I don't know what he thought when he saw the shocked look on my face, but then the penny did drop - he was asking me "have you paid yet?" to which I promptly said, yes my husband did last night"- All I can think of is he must have been thinking - "these foreigners!!!!"- when he left I was in absolute hysterics and couldn't wait to tell Dean.
Okay back to today.
Today we got off to a fairly late start, Dean had some work to do, then we had to find a place to do some laundry - well 2 hours later and after the kids had done some schoolwork we finally made our way back into Edinburgh and parked our vat at 4pm. Ridiculous I know!
We walked into the main city centre. This time of year in Edinburgh is absolutely amazing. There is a festival called the FRINGE Festival (don't know what it stands for) and it includes, street mimes; music in the streets; balancing acts and so much more. There is something new every which way you turn and about every 30 metres. We have taken lots of photos which we hope to share with you soon. Of course my favourite. is the bag piping, sadly though I have note seen any full band processions just a lonesome piper on the side of the road.
Edinburgh is a beautiful city - very dark, because all the buildings are dark, but the buildings are absolutely stunning. The weather is also another story altogether. One minute the sun is shining and the next minute it is raining, then in the next minute it's shining again with not a single cloud in sight. We are very glad we bought our raincoat ponchos before we left the U.K. the first time. We look like something like the Adams family with them on but they are keeping us dry.
Our two days in Edinburgh have left us with wanting to stay longer but we know that we have to move on.
Today we stayed from 4pm until 9:30pm walking around and really just enjoying ourselves. We stopped for a bit to have some supper. Treated ourselves to a meal out - K.F.C. - whoopee!!!! and we sat for about 45 minutes while we ate but other than that we have walked a slow pace all day.
We eventually walked back to our van at about 9:45pm, made the boys some tea and made up the beds and headed back to the CL (Certified Location) that we were staying at hoping that they had kept a place for us. We got here at about 10:30pm only to find there was place but we could not reach the electricity plug point.
The boys are fast asleep which is where I am about headed.
Oh just one more thing.
As we reach the camper van tonight after our long walk, I'm about to take Jetan out his pram and he looks up at me and says "Have you pee'd yet?"- Well this just finished us off and kept us chuckling all the way back to the farm.
I hope you've enjoyed reading this, Dean will blog soon I am sure.


holsen said...

Hi Marielle,Dean and Kids.
Am so jealous.
Keep us informed <(with photos please). Have read all your stories, am impressed.Wish we were there.Love Hans and Sandy.

Reverend said...

'ello, nice to have played catch up after a long break. I have been travelling myself stupid with work and of course not having Bev at home has caused me to become a little discorientated. Last week I was in Jo'burg and then of the fringe of the Kalahari desert - where one of my Raisin operations was being audited by the "gestapo" from Geneva. It all turned out fine, but it is still a little unsettling having all your activities and programs probed and prodded. I was very relieved when I got a clean bill of health. When I got back to Durban on Friday night I was exhausted and did the manly thing - slept. Fishing was normal (i.e. no fish) and of course the Sharks beat the Falcons (Marrielle that is rugby). Funny people the Scots - in Suuth Africa, opposing teams do battle on a rugby field, but in Scotland they get foreigners to sleep on the field - very strange. I saw the photos fom the wedding - very nice. Marielle have you lost weight? (up go the shares hahahaha). Last night I had dinner with Leon and Tracy at your house - it was super - we had Bunnies. Not rabbits - Durban bunnies, with curry yum yum! Dean, if you could imagine the aroma of a good Durban curry permeating from the kitchen and then when you finally get to taste it, the flavour on your tongue is even better than the aroma - it was like that! Do you get curry in Scotland hehehehe! If you want a decent curry in England, you will have to go to Aldershot where the Gurka regiment is barracked. There you will find a takeaway that will do the closest thing to a Durban thistle curry. Well, this is all for now. I am now going to go back to sleep and hopefully I will wake up feeling better. God Bless and have a safe journey. cf

Reverend said...

'ello, nice to have played catch up after a long break. I have been travelling myself stupid with work and of course not having Bev at home has caused me to become a little discorientated. Last week I was in Jo'burg and then of the fringe of the Kalahari desert - where one of my Raisin operations was being audited by the "gestapo" from Geneva. It all turned out fine, but it is still a little unsettling having all your activities and programs probed and prodded. I was very relieved when I got a clean bill of health. When I got back to Durban on Friday night I was exhausted and did the manly thing - slept. Fishing was normal (i.e. no fish) and of course the Sharks beat the Falcons (Marrielle that is rugby). Funny people the Scots - in Suuth Africa, opposing teams do battle on a rugby field, but in Scotland they get foreigners to sleep on the field - very strange. I saw the photos fom the wedding - very nice. Marielle have you lost weight? (up go the shares hahahaha). Last night I had dinner with Leon and Tracy at your house - it was super - we had Bunnies. Not rabbits - Durban bunnies, with curry yum yum! Dean, if you could imagine the aroma of a good Durban curry permeating from the kitchen and then when you finally get to taste it, the flavour on your tongue is even better than the aroma - it was like that! Do you get curry in Scotland hehehehe! If you want a decent curry in England, you will have to go to Aldershot where the Gurka regiment is barracked. There you will find a takeaway that will do the closest thing to a Durban thistle curry. Well, this is all for now. I am now going to go back to sleep and hopefully I will wake up feeling better. God Bless and have a safe journey. cf