Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Tuesday ramblings

Not doing much today. Marielle is off with Samantha for bridesmaid dress fitting and other stuff, while I sit with the kids and catch up on business. For the record, our cellphone cant make outgoing calls, Marielle hasnt had access to the web more than a few minutes since being here, so we're a little silent on the "keeping in touch" side of things. I enjoy updating this blog, rather than emailing everyone...so I guess blogging will be a new way of life for me after this trip :)

We pick up our motorhome from BWCampers.com next week Mon. I'm very excited. It will be our new home for the next 6months. We've bought a few plates, cups, knives and forks etc, but havent got any bedding yet. Might borrow some, or buy some in Holland. A family uncle (Brian) is lending us a small colour TV, so the kids will be able to hookup their PS2 game console in those "kids find something to do" times.

We still arent sure where we will be by the end of next week. If we find Internet access at hotspots is decent/cheap enough in the Netherlands and France, we might not worry about the satellite dish option. A big step for us. The success of our trip revolves around our Internet access. We might waive a long holiday through Italy, and just do Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland...maybe a weekend or two across into the Italian side. Eat a pizza. Leave. Visit Venice on another day. We plan to be back:) Maybe when wifi access has saturated the EU ?



Marina said...

Find me some cheap Xbox 360 games, Mac already as Ninety nine nights, amped 3 snowboarding and I bought him one today because I cant get away with just buying Dana a birthday present which is star wars lego game that was R99 cheapest so far but if you can get cheaper he is looking especially for a car racing one those are still about R400 here, so keep Mac in mind.

Reverend said...

Howzit, I hope you are enjoying the summer weather, haha - it's freezing in SA at the moment, the country is being bashed by a cold front. I received a call from my Mom in Jo'burg - it's snowing in Jo'burg and Greenside (where she lives) is a real winter wonderland at the moment. Nice Photo. Bye

Anonymous said...

Really interesting reading your news, and i agree, it's alot easier than e mailing everyone. Technology rules.
It sure is cold here - hasn't snowed my side, but it feels like it. We're all still sick, with the exception of Brit. Glad to be indoors.
Your car was covered in ice this morning....
Anyway, will chat again. Love Wendy